How To Be Single 2-21-17

I watched the movie How To Be Single the other day. It’s a great movie starring Dakota Johnson and Rebel Wilson. The movie is about…..well you get it, how to be single. 

I’ve been single for a year and a half. It’s the longest I’ve ever been single in my entire adult life. However, I have to admit, while it’s been lonely, being single has allowed me the opportunity to really become comfortable with my three new best friends. Me, Myself and I. I’ve become rather comfortable doing things alone. I’ve travelled alone. Had dinner alone. Gone to movies alone. What I’ve discovered is I know longer feel the need to settle for “Mr. Right Now” just for the sake of not being alone. 

At the end of the movie, Dakota’s character, Alice discovers this same thing. The scene of her standing alone at the top of a mountain on a hiking trip is awesome. She’s finally doing something she always wanted to do and she’s doing it alone. She recites a quote at the end of the movie. I loved it so much I decided to write it down word for word to refer to during this single moment in my life. A moment in time I’ll never get back to just be alone and cherish the time to just be me. My desire isn’t exactly to be standing at the top of a mountain while on a hiking trip but hiking on the sandy beaches of somewhere tropical might be. The point is, if you’re single cherish the moment to finally be able to do the things you always wanted to do. No strings attached. Just Do It. The quote below is from the movie and I think it’s worth noting. 

How to be single

The time we have to be single is really the time we have to get good at being alone. 

But how good at being Alone do we really want to be. Isn’t there a danger we will get so good at being single. So set in our ways we will miss out on the chance to be w somebody great 

Some people take baby steps to settle down. Some people refuse to settle at all. Sometimes it’s not statistics. It’s just kinda strange. Sometimes just because it is over it doesn’t mean the love ends. 

The thing about being single is you should cherish it. Because in a week or a lifetime of being alone you may only get one moment. One moment when you’re not tied up in a relationship with anyone. A parent, a pet, a sibling. One moment when you stand on your own. Really truly single. And then it’s gone. 

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